Monday, October 3, 2011

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Demetria but all my friends call me by my nickname Kumi. You can call me that too if you want to! I'm 19 years old, and a weird mixture of Black and German, but I love my heritage so I love it! I love anything that has to do with Japanese pop and rock music and of course all of the anime and manga!

I created this blog in the hopes that this will help me in building my collection of postcards that I wanted to have! I hope to have at least one postcard from each country, territory and U.S. State in the end! I have made an entire list of all the countries in a notebook and each time I get one I will cross out the names of the ones that I got. So far the only one I have postcard is from a friend in Texas! As soon as I get batteries for my camera I will be taking pictures of the postcards that I get for people.

I started to think about collecting postcards because I really wanted to travel the world, but that would only happen if you were some kind of billionaire or something of that sort, and I am no where near that. In just a freshman year college student just trying to pay for school while working on getting a double major in Biology and Business! Though one day I will be that billionaire flying from country to country just because I want to see the various cultures of the world, and I thought if I collect postcards I could see a small fraction of the world!

Now if you really want to send me a postcard I will email you the address of where you are supposed to send it. Sadly you will not get it back, this is a choice that I hope you will make.

If you do want to send me a postcard then I thank you in advanced a million times!